मिसाल है मोनाम्मा कोक्कड़ जिन्होने १२ जुलाई १९९९ मे केरल हाई कोर्ट मे पी आई अल { पब्लिक इंटेरेस्ट लिटिगेशन } दाखिल किया था की सार्वजनिक स्थलों पर धूम्रपान निषेध हो । उन्होने इस लिटिगेशन मे उस सर्वे का हवाला दिया था जिसमे कहा गया था की ७५ % लंग कैंसर के शिकार व्यक्ति धूम्रपान करते थे ।
एक साल बाद जब फैसला उनके पक्ष मे आया और जस्टिस नारायणा कुरूप और जस्टिस लक्ष्मणन ने सार्वजनिक स्थलों पर धूम्रपान करने पर बैन लगा दिया ।
मोनाम्मा कोक्कड़ मानती हैं की इस प्रकार का बैन ज्यादा कारगर नहीं हो पाता क्युकि सिगरेट की सेल से सरकार को आय होती हैं ।
कोक्कड़ ६१ वर्ष की अवकाश प्राप्त प्रोफेसर हैं और अब धूम्रपान के नुक्सान
पर निरंतर काम कर रही हैं । बिना इनका नाम लिखे इस " धूम्रपान निषेध " के
विषय मे लिखना शायद सम्भव ना हो उअर निरर्थक भी हैं ।
पूरी जानकारी के लिये लिंक क्लिक करे
और इसे ही कहते हैं
"The Indian woman has arrived "
और इसके विपरीत
इस खबर को देखिये
3-fold jump in young urban women smokers
Young urban Indian women are puffing away and more women are chewing tobacco than ever before — making them vulnerable to heart disease, stroke and
various forms of cancer. Smoking has risen threefold among young urban women, with one in 10 under the age of 30 smoking in Delhi and
Globally, 250 million women smoke — 22% of women in developed countries and 9% in developing countries are smokers. While smoking among women has declined in developed countries such as the US, UK and Canada, it is rising sharply in eastern Europe, Asia, South America and Africa.
In India, 24.3% men and 2.9% women smoke, Global Adult Tobacco Survey’s India report — which covered 29 states and the union territories of Chandigarh and Puducherry — said last year.
Chewing tobacco in India has traditionally been a women’s addiction. Its use rose from 11.5% in 2005 to 20.3% in 2010 though overall tobacco use in men dropped from 57.6% to 47.9% during the period.
One in three (35%) adults (274.9 million) use tobacco in India.
Research has established that young women are more likely than men to get addicted to smoking and are at a higher risk of developing heart disease and stroke.
The WHO links smoking with 25 women's cancers — lung, cervix, breast and colon to name a few. Even secondhand smoke raises breast cancer risk in women.
"More than in men, smoking increases risk of stroke and heart disease among young women, with those also taking contraceptive pills increasing their risk 10-fold" says Dr Ravi Kasliwal, chairman, preventive and clinical cardiology, Medanta.
And this upward swing will continue. "With cigarettes being marketed with images of modernity, emancipation… the gender disparity among smokers will soon even out completely and you'll see as many women smokers as men in the next five years," said Dr Samir Parikh, director of behavioural sciences at Fortis Hospitals
और इसके विपरीत
इस खबर को देखिये
3-fold jump in young urban women smokers
Young urban Indian women are puffing away and more women are chewing tobacco than ever before — making them vulnerable to heart disease, stroke and
various forms of cancer. Smoking has risen threefold among young urban women, with one in 10 under the age of 30 smoking in Delhi and
Mumbai today compared to 2.9% in 2010.
Globally, 250 million women smoke — 22% of women in developed countries and 9% in developing countries are smokers. While smoking among women has declined in developed countries such as the US, UK and Canada, it is rising sharply in eastern Europe, Asia, South America and Africa.
In India, 24.3% men and 2.9% women smoke, Global Adult Tobacco Survey’s India report — which covered 29 states and the union territories of Chandigarh and Puducherry — said last year.
Chewing tobacco in India has traditionally been a women’s addiction. Its use rose from 11.5% in 2005 to 20.3% in 2010 though overall tobacco use in men dropped from 57.6% to 47.9% during the period.
One in three (35%) adults (274.9 million) use tobacco in India.
Research has established that young women are more likely than men to get addicted to smoking and are at a higher risk of developing heart disease and stroke.
The WHO links smoking with 25 women's cancers — lung, cervix, breast and colon to name a few. Even secondhand smoke raises breast cancer risk in women.
"More than in men, smoking increases risk of stroke and heart disease among young women, with those also taking contraceptive pills increasing their risk 10-fold" says Dr Ravi Kasliwal, chairman, preventive and clinical cardiology, Medanta.
And this upward swing will continue. "With cigarettes being marketed with images of modernity, emancipation… the gender disparity among smokers will soon even out completely and you'll see as many women smokers as men in the next five years," said Dr Samir Parikh, director of behavioural sciences at Fortis Hospitals
हम कहां जा रहे हैं खुद सोचिये --- धुम्रपान निषेध हैं
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