नारी ब्लॉग को रचना ने ५ अप्रैल २००८ को बनाया था

हिन्दी ब्लोगिंग का पहला कम्युनिटी ब्लॉग जिस पर केवल महिला ब्लॉगर ब्लॉग पोस्ट करती हैं ।

यहाँ महिला की उपलब्धि भी हैं , महिला की कमजोरी भी और समाज के रुढ़िवादि संस्कारों का नारी पर असर कितना और क्यों ? हम वहीलिख रहे हैं जो हम को मिला हैं या बहुत ने भोगा हैं । कई बार प्रश्न किया जा रहा हैं कि अगर आप को अलग लाइन नहीं चाहिये तो अलग ब्लॉग क्यूँ ??इसका उत्तर हैं कि " नारी " ब्लॉग एक कम्युनिटी ब्लॉग हैं जिस की सदस्या नारी हैं जो ब्लॉग लिखती हैं । ये केवल एक सम्मिलित प्रयास हैं अपनी बात को समाज तक पहुचाने का

15th august 2011
नारी ब्लॉग हिंदी ब्लॉग जगत का पहला ब्लॉग था जहां महिला ब्लोगर ही लिखती थी
२००८-२०११ के दौरान ये ब्लॉग एक साझा मंच था महिला ब्लोगर का जो नारी सशक्तिकरण की पक्षधर थी और जो ये मानती थी की नारी अपने आप में पूर्ण हैं . इस मंच पर बहुत से महिला को मैने यानी रचना ने जोड़ा और बहुत सी इसको पढ़ कर खुद जुड़ी . इस पर जितना लिखा गया वो सब आज भी उतना ही सही हैं जितना जब लिखा गया .
१५ अगस्त २०११ से ये ब्लॉग साझा मंच नहीं रहा . पुरानी पोस्ट और कमेन्ट नहीं मिटाये गए हैं और ब्लॉग आर्कईव में पढ़े जा सकते हैं .
नारी उपलब्धियों की कहानिया बदस्तूर जारी हैं और नारी सशक्तिकरण की रहा पर असंख्य महिला "घुटन से अपनी आज़ादी खुद अर्जित कर रही हैं " इस ब्लॉग पर आयी कुछ पोस्ट / उनके अंश कई जगह कॉपी कर के अदल बदल कर लिख दिये गये हैं . बिना लिंक या आभार दिये क़ोई बात नहीं यही हमारी सोच का सही होना सिद्ध करता हैं

15th august 2012

१५ अगस्त २०१२ से ये ब्लॉग साझा मंच फिर हो गया हैं क़ोई भी महिला इस से जुड़ कर अपने विचार बाँट सकती हैं

"नारी" ब्लॉग

"नारी" ब्लॉग को ब्लॉग जगत की नारियों ने इसलिये शुरू किया ताकि वह नारियाँ जो सक्षम हैं नेट पर लिखने मे वह अपने शब्दों के रास्ते उन बातो पर भी लिखे जो समय समय पर उन्हे तकलीफ देती रहीं हैं । यहाँ कोई रेवोलुशन या आन्दोलन नहीं हो रहा हैं ... यहाँ बात हो रही हैं उन नारियों की जिन्होंने अपने सपनो को पूरा किया हैं किसी ना किसी तरह । कभी लड़ कर , कभी लिख कर , कभी शादी कर के , कभी तलाक ले कर । किसी का भी रास्ता आसन नहीं रहा हैं । उस रास्ते पर मिले अनुभवो को बांटने की कोशिश हैं "नारी " और उस रास्ते पर हुई समस्याओ के नए समाधान खोजने की कोशिश हैं " नारी " । अपनी स्वतंत्रता को जीने की कोशिश , अपनी सम्पूर्णता मे डूबने की कोशिश और अपनी सार्थकता को समझने की कोशिश ।

" नारी जिसने घुटन से अपनी आज़ादी ख़ुद अर्जित की "

हाँ आज ये संख्या बहुत नहीं हैं पर कम भी नहीं हैं । कुछ को मै जानती हूँ कुछ को आप । और आप ख़ुद भी किसी कि प्रेरणा हो सकती । कुछ ऐसा तों जरुर किया हैं आपने भी उसे बाटें । हर वह काम जो आप ने सम्पूर्णता से किया हो और करके अपनी जिन्दगी को जिया हो । जरुरी है जीना जिन्दगी को , काटना नही । और सम्पूर्णता से जीना , वो सम्पूर्णता जो केवल आप अपने आप को दे सकती हैं । जरुरी नहीं हैं की आप कमाती हो , जरुरी नहीं है की आप नियमित लिखती हो । केवल इतना जरुरी हैं की आप जो भी करती हो पूरी सच्चाई से करती हो , खुश हो कर करती हो । हर वो काम जो आप करती हैं आप का काम हैं बस जरुरी इतना हैं की समय पर आप अपने लिये भी समय निकालती हो और जिन्दगी को जीती हो ।
नारी ब्लॉग को रचना ने ५ अप्रैल २००८ को बनाया था

March 05, 2010

परीक्षा एडमिशन और रैगिंग

रश्मि कि पोस्ट से बात आगे बढाते हुए

परीक्षा ख़तम होते ही कॉलेज मे दाखिले कि जरुरत होगी । नारी ब्लॉग पर इस आलेख मे आप को वो कुछ जानकारी मिल जायेगी । ये आलेख हमने जून २००८ मे डाला था । उस समय जिन अभिभावकों ने अपने बच्चों को दाखिला दिलवाया होगा उनके बच्चे आज "सीनियर " कि गिनती मे आगये होगे । यानी "रैगिंग " करने के लिये तैयार ।

जरुरी हैं कि आप उनको "रैगिंग" के अवगुणों से परचित करवाये और उनको समझाए कि किस प्रकार रैगिंग कि वजेह से नये छात्रो को मानसिक यंत्रणा से गुज़ारना पड़ता हैं । हम सब अपने बच्चो को रैगिंग से बचना और उसको झेलना सीखते हैं लेकिन हमे उनको "रैगिंग " ना करने का दिशा निर्देश भी देना होगा । हमारा ध्यान मात्र अपना ही बच्चा नहीं अपितु समाज का हर बच्चा होना चाहिये क्युकी समाज के प्रति हमारी एक नैतिक ज़िम्मेदारी बनती हैं । अपने बच्चो को प्यार करना बहुत आसान हैं , अपने बच्चो के प्रति सावधान रहना भी आसान हैं तो उनको ज़िम्मेदार नागरिक बनाना बहुतमुश्किल नहीं होना चाहिये ।
और इस काम को केवल माँ नहीं पिता भी कर सकते हैं , इतना मुश्किल तो नहीं होता हैं एक पिता के लिये अपने बच्चो से "communication " खुला रखना । एक पिता कि नैतिक ज़िम्मेदारी किसी माँ से केवल ये कह कर नहीं ख़तम हो सकती कि " देखो बच्चो का ख्याल रखो उनको समझाओ " ।

रैगिंग पर विस्तृत जानकारी यहाँ पढे
Ragging in India
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
India is badly affected by ragging, a form of abuse on newcomers to educational institutions. The increasing privatization of higher education has lead the academic institutions in India to experience an increasing number of ragging-related incidents.
1 Present State
2 Legislation
3 Anti-ragging movement
4 Ragging Deaths
5 Organizations
6 External links
7 References

[edit] Present State
A report from 2007 highlights 42 instances of physical injury, and reports on ten deaths purportedly the result of ragging:[1] Ragging has reportedly caused at least 30-31 deaths in the last 7 years. In the 2007 session, approximately 7 ragging deaths have been reported.
In addition, a number of freshmen were severely traumatized to the extent that they were admitted to mental institutions.
Ragging in India commonly is involves serious abuses and clear violations of human rights. Often media reports and others unearth that it goes on, in many institutions, in the infamous Abu Ghraib style[2] and on innocent victims.
In many colleges, like IIT Bombay and IIT Hyderabad, ragging has been strictly banned. However, this ban has not been very effective, as seen by the number of ragging cases still reported by the media. Ragging involves gross violations of basic human rights. The seniors are known to torture juniors and by this those seniors get some kind of sadistic pleasures.
Though ragging has ruined the lives of many, resistance against it has grown up only recently. Several Indian states have made legislatures banning ragging, and the Supreme Court of India has taken a strong stand to curb ragging. Ragging has been declared a criminal offence.
The Indian civil society has also started to mount resistance, only recently.
But in India, ragging is more infamous for its ubiquitous presence in the educational institutions. According to the observations by the Dr. Raghavan Committee, which has been constructed by the Union Human Resource Development ministry on the orders of the Supreme Court of India, the medical colleges are the worst affected in India.
However, India's first and only registered Anti Ragging NGO, Society Against Violence in Education (SAVE) has supported that ragging is also widely and dangerously prevalent in Engineering and other institutions, mainly in the hostels.
[edit] Legislation
In 1997, the state of Tamil Nadu first passed laws related to ragging Subsequently, a major boost to anti-ragging efforts was given by a landmark judgement of the Supreme Court of India in May 2001,[3] in response to a Public Interest Litigation filed by the Vishwa Jagriti Mission.
The Ministry of Human Resources Development (MHRD), following a directive by the Supreme court, appointed a seven member panel headed by ex-CBI director Dr. R. K. Raghavan to recommend anti-ragging measures. The Raghavan Committee report,[4] submitted to the court in May 2007, includes a proposal to include ragging as a special section under the Indian Penal Code. The Supreme Court of India interim order[5] (based on the recommendations) dated May 16, 2007 makes it obligatory for academic institutions to file official First Information Reports with the police in any instance of a complaint of ragging. This would ensure that all cases would be formally investigated under criminal justice system, and not by the academic institutions own ad-hoc bodies.
The Indian Supreme Court has taken a strong stand to prevent ragging. In 2006, the court directed the H.R.D. Ministry of the Govt. of India to form a panel which will suggest guidelines to control ragging[6].
The panel, headed by the former director of C.B.I. Dr. R.K.Raghavan, met victims, guardians and others across the country. The Raghavan committee has placed its recommendation to the Honbl. Supreme Court, which has given its order on the issue[5][7].
Welcoming the Supreme Court's recent judgment on ragging Dr. Raghavan, the former CBI director, who is the chairman, Monitoring Committee for the Prevention of Ragging, said, “there are finally signs that the recommendations to prevent ragging in colleges will be taken seriously.” [8].
[edit] Anti-ragging movement
With the situation of ragging worsening yearly, there is emerging a spontaneous anti-ragging movement in India. Several voluntary organizations have emerged, who conduct drives for public awareness and arrange for support to victims.
Online groups like Coalition to Uproot Ragging from India (CURE), Stopragging, No Ragging Foundation became the major Anti Ragging groups on the Internet. Among them, the No Ragging Foundation has transformed into a complete NGO and got registered as Society Against Violence in Education (SAVE) which is India's first registered Anti Ragging non profit organization (NGO).[9][10][11] These groups are working on issues related to ragging. Each of them is running anti ragging websites and online groups.
The Indian media has been playing a crucial role by exposing ragging incidents and the indifference of many concerned institutions towards curbing the act. The Supreme Court of India has directed, in its interim judgement, that action may be taken even against negligent institutions.[5]
[edit] Ragging Deaths
On 7 March 2009, Aman Kachroo, 19, a first year student of Dr Rajendra Prasad Medical College, Tanda, Kangra, HP, India, had repeatedly complained to his parents about the brutal ragging that took place on the Medical College campus — often by completely drunk third-year students. On Friday night and Saturday morning (March 6-7, 2009), the boy was beaten so badly that he died of brain haemorrhage [12].
On 11 October 2005, Amit Sahai committed suicide by jumping before an approaching train in Jalandhar. He was a student of NIT Jalandhar, Punjab. In his suicide note he blamed nine senior students of the National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar for having mercilessly ragged him:[13].
On 18 September 2007, Durgesh Shukla hanged himself from a ceiling fan in his hostel room in Pioneer College, Bhopal. He blamed seniors in his suicide note [14].
On 8 August 2007, Manjot Singh, an MBBS student, committed suicide by consuming a poisonous substance. He did so at his residence in Chandigarh, due to ragging in his hostel at the Government Medical College, Chandigarh.[15].
On 20 September 2007, Chetan Raj, 18, committed suicide in Mysore. His body was found hanging from the roof of his lodge room. He had already complained to his parents that he was being ragged in his college [16].
In November 2006, S. P. Manoj committed suicide in his hostel room at the Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Technology, Hyderabad.[17]
On 14 December 2005, C Abraham, a first year engineering student, hanged himself to death at his residence in Hyderabad. In his suicide note, he mentioned that he was not interested in studies. His parents suspected that his suicide to be a result of ragging.[18].
On 5 November 2006, Azad Nair, 22, a cadet at the Officer's Training Academy(OTA) in Chennai. He had hanged himself from the fan of his room. Prior to his suicide he had told his brother Soumendu over telephone that he was being ragged and humiliated at the OTA and he had pleaded to his father Padmanabhan Nair to rescue him from the OTA.[19].
On 5 December 2005, Sridhar, 18, hanged himself to the ceiling fan in his hostel room in Chennai. In the English press, only one newspaper in Mumbai reported the incident.[20].
In July 2005, Kamlesh Sarkar, 19, committed suicide in a private hotel management institute in Kalyani, Nadia district, West Bengal. The police filed an unnatural death case and not one of ragging.[21]
On 19 December 2004, Mohan Karthik Tripathy,19, hanged himself from a ceiling fan in his hostel room at the SKR Engineering College in Tambaram, Tamil Nadu. His written complaint about ragging to the college authorities had gone unheeded. He had been forced to bathe in his own urine.[22].
In June 2004, Sushil Kumar Pandey, 18, hanged himself to death after the humiliation of being paraded naked by his seniors at the Madan Mohan Malviya Engineering College, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh.[23].
In September 2002, Anup Kumar, 19, committed suicide by hanging himself from a ceiling fan at his residence in Kanpur. In his suicide note, Anup said that he was going through mental agony due to the sexual harassment by second-year students of the Institute of Engineering and Technology, Lucknow, in the name of ragging [24].

जिनको इंग्लिश मे असुविधा हो वो इस लिंक पर जा कर हिंदी मे ट्रांसलेट कर सकते हैं


  1. "The increasing privatization of higher education has lead the academic institutions in India to experience an increasing number of ragging-related incidents."

    ये बात कुछ हजम नहीं हुई प्राइवेट और सरकारी का क्या सरोकार जरूर यह किसी सरकारी आदमी ने विकिपीडिया में लिखा होगा .
    यह बीमारी भी अंग्रेजों की देन है जिससे पीछा नहीं छूट रहा था . अब सूप्रीम कोर्ट के आदेश से स्थिति सुधर रही है


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